Because Grace Looks Nothing Like Co-Dependency

It happened when I was in seventh grade.

It was a field trip day. The fun kind. You know, where you do something educational like visit the state capitol, meet a state senator and then get turned loose in the historic district for lunch. The teachers give you a measure of freedom and your parents give you a measure of spending money. For a fleeting hour and a half you feel almost grownup, and you wish school could look like this everyday.

On that particular day, after browsing the old town stores, my girlfriends and I ended up in an arcade. I remember us huddled there around the skeeball lanes. We were thirteen and carefree, and our deepest conversation was likely something about which guy in our class we were most interested in “going out” with.

I had always felt like a bit of an imposter. A thirteen-going-on-sixteen year old dwelling in a ten year old’s body. I was painfully shy and at that particular moment I was certain I was the only girl in the class and probably the whole world who hadn’t gotten her period, her big growth spurt or a bra that wasn’t a trainer. But on this special field trip day, the heavens opened and the sun shone down on me and I was walking around with the cool girls. Everything that seemed to make me invisible didn’t matter to anybody else, and I forgot that I might have been different. I was one of the girls. One of the cool, mature, lip-gloss-wearing, uniform-skirt-rolling girls.

As we laughed and counted our tickets, an arcade worker approached us. He was much older, pushing 40 or 50. He kept inserting himself into our conversations, handing us tokens. He was flirtatious and creepy, and he would have been a nuisance except that free tokens seemed like they were worth tolerating him over.

Eventually we tired of playing games, so we spent our tickets and left. Only as we walked out, the arcade worker grabbed me by my shoulder, pulled me back away from my friends, and whispered in my ear, “If you will come back by yourself, I will give you anything you want from behind that counter.”

I felt frozen. My friends were unaware, still walking towards the door.  I was left standing there, smelling the stale alcohol on his breath, his hand gripping my shoulder heavy and tight. My lips couldn’t form a response. And even though I was thirteen and thought I knew it all, all I could hear was my mom’s warnings from childhood, “Never take candy from strangers.”

I robotically nodded my head at him and squirmed out of his grasp. I ran for the safety of my friends.

I felt dirty. I didn’t understand how I couldn’t manage to get a single boy in my class to notice me, but somehow the old smelly arcade worker noticed me. Wanted me. In a way that chilled me and disgusted me and chipped away a little piece of my innocence.

I didn’t tell my friends about it. I didn’t tell the teachers. I was too embarrassed. I thought something must have been terribly wrong with me. My friends were charismatic and beautiful and the creepy, arcade guy sought me out.

I told my mom a few days later. She immediately called the school. I still remember my teacher pulling me aside, “Why didn’t you tell me, Amanda? We could have reported it and gotten him away from kids.”

I was ashamed. Ashamed that I hadn’t possessed the courage to tell someone. Even more ashamed that it was me who he had tried to harm.


Last week, I had a bizarre incident at the dentist. It started off as a less-than-tasteful pregnant belly comment from the dentist: “There’s no way you are that far along! Your boobs are bigger than your stomach! No, you are going to either have an undersized baby or you are going to carry past your date.” It was rude and hurtful, and maybe I could have shaken that one off, but she didn’t stop there. She turned to my  husband and said, “So how do you like your wife’s big milk jugs?” We were both wide-eyed and completely shocked. Who says that?! A few minutes later, she led me back to clean my teeth and said, “No, really, I don’t know what it’s like to have such big boobs. How does your husband like them?”

I was mortified, uncomfortable, and dumbfounded. This wasn’t a woman contemplating the pros and cons of implants; she made me feel dirty. I just wanted out of that conversation so I changed the subject.

I wish I could have formed the words to tell her how deeply she had offended me, how unprofessional she was and how if this was my work environment, her comments would qualify as sexual harassment. I wish I could have told her how anything and everything that my husband and I enjoy about one another’s bodies is sacred and private and beautiful and how dare she try to sully it with her unfiltered mouth and perverse mind.

But I was silent. I sat mute, frozen, not even completely sure why her words had so upset me. I went home, locked myself in the bathroom and bawled. It took a full day to realize that what had bothered me the most wasn’t that she insulted my ability as a woman to properly carry life and drew unwanted attention to a part of myself that I am insecure about, it was that she had victimized me. And I let her.

It took me right back to seventh grade standing frozen in that arcade.

I wanted to assume I was wrong about the dentist. Believe the best in people. Maybe she’s just a quirky dentist without a filter, maybe she was abused as a child, maybe… I wanted to take it on myself. Believe the same lie I believed in the arcade: there is something horribly wrong with me.

But I need to be real. What happened in that dentist office was dark and ugly. It was the taking of something beautiful and making it perverse.

Can I be honest and tell you I struggle with this? I don’t want to judge her. I want to keep my sunshine and rainbows glasses on and believe the best, excuse away her bad behavior, just pray for her. I don’t want to be the girl that fights just to fight and makes mountains out of hills. But deep down in my knowing place, I know I have to stand up right here. It’s hard and uncomfortable, but when I want to wonder if it’s really that big of a deal, I think of her making similar remarks about my own kids’ bodies that would sully their innocence and the beautiful purpose in their “private parts.” Oh no. Sometimes we fight the darkness on our hands and knees. And sometimes we call the dental board and file a complaint.

It makes me contemplate grace. I think sometimes we water it down, make it look something like doormat. But Grace isn’t co-dependency. It doesn’t make excuses for bad behavior. There would be no discipline in God’s love if that was the case.

God is both gracious and just… and you can’t separate the two. Justice and grace go together. They do. And together they demand that you take a stand for what is right, that you fight for justice and you fight for the voiceless, that you place the wrong-doing in the hands of those who are appointed to judge. After you have made your stand, you begin to put that seventy-times-seven forgiveness into practice.

Sometimes the place where grace needs to start is over that girl, the one who was silent and lost her words, who didn’t think she was worthy of a fight. She needs grace. She needs forgiveness too. And she needs to take a stand, better late than never.

The thing is, I felt like a freak of nature way back there in seventh grade, flat as a board and blooming later than November’s chrysanthemum. And this dentist managed to find that one thing about myself that I look at and see as some kind of anomaly now, larger than average; Victoria can’t hold my Secret; they’re out there and always out there for everyone to see no matter how high the neck line or black the shirt.

And making a stand, filing a complaint, it’s not about being a jerk or pulling grace out of the equation. It’s looking at me, the awkward girl, the quiet girl, the blend-into-the-background-except-for-the-bountiful-bosoms-that-would-still-poke-out-there girl. And loving her. It’s realizing she’s okay. There is nothing foul or disgusting about her body. Her purity is valuable and worth the fight.

It’s standing up for God’s plans and His handiwork and declaring to the darkness that I will not be clothed in shame. It’s instilling in my kids that they too are okay just the way God made them. Anomalies and all.

No, grace doesn’t lie down. Don’t believe that lie. Grace links arms with justice, and it stands tall and firm. Together they are not afraid to call the darkness dark. They fight the perversions of truth, and shine light on the lies of unworthiness. Grace is God’s unmerited favor but that doesn’t mean it’s blind to sin.

Have you ever had something happen where you wish you could have formed the words right then and there to stand up for yourself or someone else and instead you were silent?

By Grace,
Amanda Conquers

Psst… I know it’s been silent over here. I fear I was running short on words and needed to just be quiet. But now, I am looking forward to catching up on all the goings on… you know, for the few weeks that remain before I have a newborn! I missed this place and you. {Hugs}

I'm so excited to be sharing for the first time in a long time with this beautiful community of story tellers:

The Testimony I Never Thought I'd Have

About two months ago, a blogger in a group of which I am apart shared her desire to do a "Tour of Testimonies." I don't often sign up to write for another blog, but sometimes you just know that God has given you a story that is meant to be shared. Somehow, each time I share this testimony, it's like rubbing healing balm on my heart that had once felt so broken. I just know I need to share it: for other's to read, but also for my own heart.

I guess that's the thing about sharing our stories: they have the power to heal other's hearts, and our own.

So. Here's your invitation. It's a story that will look super familiar if you've been reading here for the past year, but you're still welcome to join me. (And this blog happens to belong to a sweet person with a heart for God's Word.)

Join me? Click -->HERE<--

By Grace,
Amanda Conquers

On Miscarriage and Grief

I have walked through 5 miscarriages. Just to be completely obvious and blunt: it was hard. Sometimes, it's still hard. But in this place God has taught me a lot about grieving, about brokenness, about holding onto hope. Dear sister, if you are walking through something similar I want you to know you aren't alone, and not just because there are other women who have walked similar paths, but because there is a God who loves you dearly who will walk with you, even when your faith feels shaky at best. I want you to know my heart breaks at your loss. I want you to know you are welcome here and so is your story. We need each other. We do. And we need Him.

The Miscarriage Series: 
An Introduction to a Series on Miscarriage
Season of Mourning (Giving Yourself Permission to Grieve)
When You Are Trying to Make Something Out of Your Ashes (On What God Does With Our Shattered Dreams)
Project Still Hope (An Invitation and a Tangible Way to Honor Lost Life)
What Hope Really Looks Like (How to Hope Again)
What You Need to Know When Fear is Suffocating You (For When You Are Terrified of Losing Again)
Practical Advice for the Grieving Woman and Those Who Love Her

My Story (in the most raw moments):
When Life Fractures Your Faith
The Post I Didn't Want to Write
Proclaiming the Miracle (A Pregnancy Announcement after 4 Repeat Miscarriages)

Other Posts:
The Thing About Fire (When You Wonder Why Life Has to Be Hard)
When Your Faith Looks Weak (On Being Pregnant After Repeated Miscarriages)

When Your Faith Looks Weak

Two weeks ago, I had to go to labor and delivery.

I was sitting down eating dinner when all of a sudden I felt pain creep into my lower abdomen. And then I contracted. The pain increased and I contracted again. I grabbed a glass of water, took to our recliner, and put my feet up. The pain got so strong there were tears welling up in my eyes. And then I contracted again. 3 times in less than twenty minutes. I called labor and delivery and, yes, they wanted me to come in.

As I am describing the pain to the nurse, I can feel the panic—that familiar fear. Oh, no, no, no, not again. It can’t be going wrong again. Tears of emotion joined the tears of pain.

I told my husband I needed to go in and we got the kids into the car.

Somewhere in the midst of the hustle to the car, the fear, the texts for prayer, there’s the still voice: 

Amanda, I’m here. It’s okay.

And I just knew He was and it was.

Sometimes, I worry that somewhere in the losses and trials of the past two years, my faith has become fragile. When loss happens to you, it becomes more than just a statistic, a sadness that might happen to one in every four women; it becomes your reality. You are no longer untouchable. When the losses roll in one after another, you feel vulnerable—maybe even doomed to despair.

This pregnancy has been emotionally and physically hard. It’s like I am holding my breath waiting to breathe again. The further along I get, the more it feels like breathing might be safe, but crampy pains and a few contractions and it’s like I am being brought back to that hot June afternoon, pacing the living room, hearing the doctor speak my devastation into the phone, “I am really sorry, Amanda, but there isn’t life in there. There was never even a heartbeat.”

My short stint at Labor and Delivery showed me something though. As much as the initial sight of hard circumstances might have brought on fear, as real as loss might be to me…  faith isn’t built in the absence of hard. The Amanda of 2 years ago didn’t have greater faith because she didn’t automatically imagine the worst at the first sign of difficulty. The Amanda of today doesn’t have a weaker faith because loss has touched her life.

When God said, “I’m here and it’s okay,” during my brief but very real contraction storm, I believed Him.

I knew He was with me, because I still remember some ten months ago when I faced the darkest night, when my faith might have looked the weakest. I was dagger spittin’ mad at God. I hurled the ugliest words I could find in my vocabulary, and I shook my fists to the heavens and demanded and He tell me why. And even there, God was with me. You guys, there were miracles, abundant grace, ways that God whispered to my soul, “Yes, you are walking through the storm, but I am still with you. And I see you. And I hurt with you. And I will not let you go.”

Can I be honest and tell you that I have struggled with thinking that maybe I am somehow less of a Christian because of those moments where my faith looked so weak. And because after walking through 4 miscarriages in 14 months, it just doesn’t take much for me to experience panic at the onset of crampy pains.

Here’s what I am learning and maybe it needs to be said for all of us who have ever struggled with doubt or at some point found ourselves unable to respond with absolute trust in God’s plan when we have faced unexplainable loss:

I think sometimes we act as though faith is a thing that we need to hold close, protect. We refuse to expose faith to the storms for fear it might get beaten down, and we choose to tread water instead.

But faith isn’t for treading water. Faith is for walking on the water.

Faith is for the places that don’t make sense. Faith is for the times when Christian cliché band-aides just can’t patch the brokenness inside you. Faith is for the storm. Faith is for the gaps. Faith is for when you could drown in the depths of places unexplainable.

Faith is this very real, Jesus-walking-with-you, in the mess.

Faith doesn’t need you to protect it. Faith is your protection. There’s a reason why it’s called the “shield of faith.”

I have been turning over this passage: “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…” Hebrews 12:2. Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith. Not me.

Friends, I have learned that real faith doesn’t understand. Real faith doesn’t always see the outcome. Real faith is clinging to God, sometimes even wrestling with God, and refusing to let go of Him. Real faith is being curious enough to walk out into the storm to see if God really means to never let you go.

By the time I got to the hospital, checked in and hooked up to the monitors, I can’t even tell you the peace I felt.

The very minute the monitor started reading the rapid whoosh whoosh whoosh of the baby’s heartbeat, the baby began to kick and punch and roll. The baby kicked strong and close to the monitor. Each kick startled the nurse and me, even hurt our ears: whoosh whoosh KAPOW! The nurse laughed and turned the monitor’s sound way down, “I don’t think we need to hear the heartbeat anymore, clearly your little one is just fine in there.”

Those deafening sounds felt like Grace. They were the final proof of what God had whispered into my heart when the pain was still intense, when the contractions were still coming. Thing was, I believed God’s words long before I had the proof.  

Because I have walked with Him through storms before.

Friends, faith doesn’t get beaten down in the storms… faith is a thing that grows in storms.

By Grace,

Amanda Conquers

9 Reasons Why Delivery-Room Gender Reveals Are Awesome

I remember the exact moment of our first surprise—I was high on endorphins after a long labour and three hours of pushing. The first words out of my mouth were, “Did we have a boy or girl?” The nurse turned to my husband. “Well, Dad, do you want to make the announcement?”

Mike had tears, a smile, and a tremble in his hands. He paused. He might even have forgotten for a split-second in the emotion of the moment which parts went to which gender. “A girl, Amanda. It’s a girl.”

I repeated back those words so many times, letting them sink in. This was our surprise, our miracle: “A girl? A girl! Really? A girl? This whole time we’ve had a girl in there? Ahh! I can’t believe it’s a girl!”

I’ve always loved surprises. So, for me, when it came time to decide how we would find out the gender of our first baby, waiting until delivery just seemed like the right choice. We found out the gender of our second born because we were both really hoping for a boy. And now that we have one girl and one boy, we are doing what I actually prefer: waiting to find out.  

So, just for fun and just because sometimes I get the awkward side-ways glance or the “Oh my goodness, I could never do that. I would just have to know,” when people find out we are waiting, I have compiled a list of some really great reasons why delivery-room gender announcements are awesome.

1. You save money.

So, you know those moments when you are walking through the baby section at Target and there’s the sweet little three piece outfit that makes your momma-heart swoon? When you don’t know the gender, you imagine how cute your soon-to-arrive baby would look if it happened to be a boy or girl, and then you keep walking. Because you don’t know boy or girl. And you might not know much about babies yet, but you at least know you don’t want to stand in the return line with a newborn in tow.

2. You are very likely to get what you really need at your baby shower.

So, you know how I mentioned the cute baby outfits in the baby section and how hard they are to resist? They are! For like everyone with estrogen in their body. So, if you have a baby shower, sure, you might need a crib, baby carrier, stroller, car seat, bottles, breast pump, diaper pail, and a ridiculous amount of diapers and wipes… but you will get a ridiculous amount of outfits. And they will make you and everyone at the shower swoon. But the thing is, if you are a first time mom-to-be, let me tell you a secret. Babies poop. They drool. They spit up. Diapers will fail you. You might end up changing that precious baby 10 times in one day—his diaper AND his clothes. And at some point the only clothes you will want him in, save those special outings and picture opportunities, are the clothes that are practical and easy to get on and off. And the adorable dress with matching bloomers or the vest, button-down and bow tie… outfits like that, you won’t need 20 of them.

3. Double the presents.

So here’s the good news: your mom, grandma, auntie, sister who you are currently driving crazy because they want to shop for all the cute stuff. Guess what? They will not only come to your shower bearing practical gifts. They will also feel this overwhelming urge to go out and buy all the cute stuff as soon as your precious surprise arrives.

4. More usable items for the next baby.

If you didn’t find out the gender till delivery, you wouldn’t have been tempted to purchase the pink carseat with the butterfly accent print. Your nursery items will be neutral.  You will have newborn clothes that will work no matter if you have a boy or girl. And one day, should you be blessed with the opposite gender, your future self who is discovering how energy demanding and strong-willed a toddler can be, who only wants a decent nights’ sleep and a shower in life, who is wondering if she will ever have a routine again after adding a new baby to the family… that girl will thank you because she just won’t care as much about nursery theme and she won’t want to spend the extra money replacing the pink butterfly carseat (but she will anyways just to save her baby boy from growing up with a complex...)

5. Focus Point? Done.

Labour is hard. Really hard. Throughout the entirety of my first labour, the 19 hours of “back labour” and the 3 hours of pushing, I thought of one thing: Boy or girl? When I arrived at that awful moment when I just really thought I couldn’t do it and someone should just put me out of my misery, I still wanted to know. I had waited to know. The anticipation of the surprise still somehow outweighed those grueling moments of transition-labour despair.

6. It’s follows a natural plot line.

Okay, maybe this is a lit-nerd thing, but good books have a moment called the climax. Everything builds and builds—nine months of your body growing a human and preparing to evacuate it. Then there’s start of the climax: the labour and delivery where at some point you think you just can’t and somehow you still do. And then the final push and that first cry: and there is that baby. If you don’t know the gender, the room almost erupts into joy, the culminating experience of nine months of wondering, “It’s a boy! It’s a girl! No way! Look at that! Oh my goodness, A boy! A girl!” You have no choice but to stop and soak in the moment, let it roll around your brain, celebrate the news—and it is news—brand new—the baby and this discovery. It doesn’t matter that you are now delivering the placenta or being stitched up, this news has caught your breath and will hold it for a while. It’s a time-standing-still kind of magic.

7. It’s fun to have something to announce that people actually want to know on such a momentous occasion.

I mean, no offense, the birth stats are cool, but nobody but grandma cares if the baby is 6 lbs. 15 oz. or 8 lbs. 4 oz.

8. The older generation brings out all their old wives tales to predict the gender of your baby.

Sure, it will happen regardless, but it’s a little awkward when you are barely showing at eleven weeks and grandma swears it’s a boy because you are carrying low and in front. Really grandma? I think that might be the donut I just ate? At 32 weeks, it’s pretty clear “how you carry,” and a gender-unknown baby bump has some kind of magnetic pull on the pre-ultrasound generations. There’s just something about having the older women in your life gather around your belly, guess the gender, and tell you all about their experiences from decades past. Because no matter how technology changes, motherhood is timeless.

9. It brings your husband into the birth experience more.

As he cuts the cord, your husband will get to announce to you and everyone in the room who you have been carrying in your womb all those nine months. He will call his parents, his brother, your brother. He will walk into the waiting room where family members are anxiously waiting for the announcement. The first words out of his mouth will not be, “She’s finally here!” It will be, “It’s a girl!”

I’d love to hear from you and your experiences! Any reasons to add the list? Have you ever waited till the delivery to find out? Would you want to wait till delivery to find out?

By Grace,

Amanda Conquers

Image Credit: (Please note: per license agreement, I was able to build upon this image and add my own words. They are not endorsed by photographer.)

When You Want to Be the Mom That Buys The Houses Across the Street for Her Kids

Last weekend, I had one of those tough parenting days.

My husband, my mom, and I were wallpapering our entryway/stairwell. We had an eight foot ladder on the middle landing, a plank going from the ladder to the top of the stairs—a sort of makeshift scaffold. There was wallpaper paste, rollers, scissors, a razor, and people trying to lay giant strips of wallpaper straight on the wall.

Naturally, this is exactly where my kids wanted to play.

Addy got asked to play outside, watch a movie, go in her room loads of times... maybe every three minutes. At one point she was sitting on the bottom step, and the excess wallpaper got rolled up and thrown from the top step onto her head. Twice. I could see her, feeling left out, overlooked, like she was just in the way.

She headed to her room, emerged a few minutes later bearing a Hello Kitty bag, and headed out the front door.  

I just knew I needed to follow her.

She was walking down the sidewalk, barefoot, bag stuffed full of clothes.

She was running away.

Her words: “Mom, I was just angry and wanted to see what was out there.”

“Out where?” I asked.

“You know, out there. Everywhere. I want to know what it’s like. I want to see the whole world.”

I just really really want to see the whole world, Mom. You can come with me. I just want to see it now.

Later that evening I found the note she had left for me on her desk: “I am going on a avencher for ever. I love you mom.”

It all quaked in me: the idea that my daughter would want to runaway, the feeling like a failure somehow, the glimpse into my daughter’s heart of hearts. I flipped back through my memories of her—the precious moments that seem sacred and holy and reveal the innermost being and childlike faith of my Addygirl. They are the memories I keep tucked close to my heart, the ones I ponder. They reveal her sense of wonder, her craving for adventure in the wide world, and her zeal for people and life.

Sometimes, I think God gives us these glimpses into who are kids are and who He made them to be. It’s beautiful and exciting and sometimes altogether terrifying. It’s not that I hold the plans for my kids' lives or have this prophetic revelation of their futures. But I do think God prepares our hearts as moms. He prepares us so we can prepare them.

One day, Addy is going to pack her bag for reals, hopefully with her shoes on, and leave my home. She’s going to run after dreams, dreams that might take her across town or across the globe.

This is really hard to think about.

And that’s the thing about parenting. Sure, it’s hard disciplining, teaching, being consistent, dealing with strong wills. But it’s even harder knowing that one day, and really everyday just a little more, I am preparing to release my child into the world as an adult. Sometimes God gives us these runaway moments as whispers, “Do you see her, Amanda? Do you see the desires I put in her heart? You can’t keep her. You weren’t meant to hold her forever.

It’s these moments I realize how fleeting and precious these years are. It’s these moments I want to make time stand still. It’s these moments I fully recognize the weight of the call of motherhood. 

I am preparing my kids for the rest of their lives. This part of parenting only lasts so long. Each year their need for me changes, and the sphere of those who can influence them gets just a little wider.

As much as I might like to tuck them in close, wrap my arms around them, and maybe one day buy them the houses next door to me… I need to prepare my heart to let go just a little more each passing year. I need to walk that hard but beautiful road of parent to friend, of boo-boo kisser to heart-break consoler, of holding hands while we cross the street to hands-and-knees praying over each adventure they take without me.

I once heard that a child is a mother’s own heart walking outside her body.

And it just seems hard that the sacred call of motherhood means having to prepare your children to walk after the desires God planted inside them… especially when those desires might pull your very own heart thousands of miles from your own body. 

And yet in all the painful heart-string pulling, I know I need to walk this road leaning, trusting my Savior, pressing in everytime I want to hold tight… because, truly, what I really want more than anything is for my kids to know God, really know Him for themselves. I don’t want them to walk through this life beyond the walls of my home leaning on me, I want them to walk leaning on God

Wherever He would lead.

Is it just me, or is this a heavy topic for moms? I kind of cried a lot in the writing (and naturally I was in a crowded Panera Bread). I’d love to know how old your kids are and how you are doing with this whole kids growing up thing… whatever phase of motherhood you might be in. Share with us in the comments?

By Grace,

Amanda Conquers

Just Me in My Comfy Pants (March Edition)

So… it’s been awhile.

I think pregnancy can do that to a girl.

But I miss this, I miss you, I miss writing. So, as I am feeling quite rusty, I think I shall warm up by sitting in my comfy clothes and just telling you a few random things that are going on in my life and things I have been learning.

1. I am 21 weeks pregnant. Older women tell you that each pregnancy is different, and maybe a part of you thinks they might know what they are talking about, but this other part expects it to look the same as before. Yeah, those women, they know what they are talking about. I have this vague memory from my previous second trimesters where I had gobs of energy, where my back didn’t hurt yet, where my “baby tummy” wasn’t quite so far out yet, where false contractions didn’t happen yet… maybe I remember wrong, because this time around: energy=0; back=I just bought a maternity girdle because hello sciatic issues and lower abdomen pain; waistline=I look like I am either carrying twins or am 2 months farther along; Braxton hicks= since like 16 weeks and they are strong.

2. This baby is fickle. I am still nauseous, though it is nothing like it was the first sixteen weeks, so I will gladly take it. I can’t eat anything acidic (oranges, lemonade, marinara, pizza sauce). I can't keep onions down (not in salad, not diced in my meat, not carmelized... no onions). Pretty much the entirety of Asian cuisines disgust me: Cantonese, Thai, Sushi, lumpia, rice noodles, and soy-sauced anything.  I worry I might be off coffee for life. And if you know anything about me, the Amanda prior to baby #3 lived for her morning iced latte and deep conversations spent over a hot vanilla latte. The Amanda currently housing baby #3 wants to get sick just talking about coffee… so, um, how about we change the subject?

3. I complain sometimes because this pregnancy has not been a cake-walk, but I am just so grateful. So grateful. Everything feels like a miracle. Everything is a miracle. Each kick. Each doctor visit. Each time I hear that beating heart. Each time the kids put their mouths to my belly and talk to their sibling. I will take the nausea, the back aches, the insomnia, the food adversions, and really, I promise, I take them with joy… because this. I held on for dear life to the promise of this little one. I am not letting go of my resurrection-power miracle over temporary complaints. I am overwhelmed by His goodness and grace... and I am clinging to it. You guys, I get to be a mom to this baby!

4. We are having….

(Do please pay close attention to that conjunction in there. It’s OR not AND.)

We decided to be surprised in the delivery room. (I am pretty sure I am going to share our reasons in a light-hearted post coming soon, so I’ll tell you more about it then.) Everything looked great at our 20 week ultrasound. Side note: I am pretty sure I noticed a cleft in the baby’s chin. I sort of squealed over this. It’s one of my favorite features on my husband. 

5. I got to go to a local writing conference last month. It was so refreshing. I got to spend time with a dear friend; talk metaphor, character, style, theme with people who get just as excited about those topics as I do; get encouragement just for writers that had gospel all through it; get some really great wisdom on non-fiction writing and writing a book proposal. You guys, I also won a writing scholarship that will pay my way to next year’s conference, membership to a group that essentially provides support for writers, and pays for an expensive writing conference where there are acquisition editors, literary agents and classes taught by renowned authors and experts in the Christian writing field! I feel like I pretty much got handed a vote of confidence from seasoned writers and the tools I would need to send a book out into the wide world. Amazing. And if you want to hear me continue gushing, on the award it says this: “who communicated a message of grace, hope and love in a creative work.” Could there possibly be anything better to have said about the work of your heart or message of your life? So humbling and so crazy exciting.

I feel like there are a ridiculous amount of things I could tell you because it’s been months, but I need to leave off for now. I sort of need to cook dinner.  But since I was able to get a nice camera with our tax return last week (I am SOOOOO excited about this! It’s been on the wish list for years.), how about I leave you with a few pictures of life around here?

Tummy talks in the kitchen

Just a dog and her Capri Sun... wait, what?

My in laws got a new puppy. This picture just makes me smile big. 

I planted daffodil, tulip and hyacinth bulbs last October after my last miscarriage. Here they are in full bloom while my belly is getting full big with a little life who kicks and hiccups and rolls. Spring always comes.

Nope, not choking him. :)

Looking forward to more time spent here.

By Grace,
Amanda Conquers